Construction Related Products
Construction Related Products
In line with our philosophy of offering unique yet affordable products, we continue to associate ourselves with the best in the business.
When it comes to residential or commercial projects, it always pays to build it better, with a technically superior product that can handle the harsh conditions & continue to protect you, your loved ones, or your esteemed clients,
giving you that peace of mind…

Today, our Plastering accessories, Block Accessories & Lintels from M/s. CATNIC, UK are part of residential complexes, high towers & many prestigious constructions,
that value quality & safety…

We also present a unique solution with Fire stopping Mortars from M/s. Sandersfire, UK, that can be used to fill in gaps & other mechanical & electrical
service penetrations, created in walls or the flooring, while installing pipes or cabling. Using these Mortars creates a substantial seal & a barrier to prevent spread of fire, toxic fumes that may be caused from
faulty wiring.
These fire rated mortars are also suitable for load bearing use, and other special situations requiring pressure resistant, acoustic and radiation shielding performance.